Tuesday, September 16, 2014

LP MTB Station, Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia

Gathering with my secondary school mate. 
There are plenty of cafe around this area, but this coffee shop is quite famous among others.

The environment is comfortable and service is good.
If I'm a cyclist, I definitely love this place. 

The decoration is full with their cycling picture, metal, t-shirt... All about cycling. 

I'm sitting there enjoying the coffee smell before I get to drink my coffee. 

From this angle, the decoration some alike Starbuck right? 

Self service please! For the sky juice, sugar, and serviette... 

That's funny when you step in.... The Toilet.
You will saw this in ladies wash room.
Funny monkey... This photo make up my day!!!

The staff told me that the signature coffee was "cafe latte" for hot drink.
This is the cafe latte...
Taste??? Can be accepted, but still not the very best for me. By the way, I'm enjoying the coffee smell in this coffee shop. 

Finally get a picture before we left.

Opps... Forget to introduce the food. Actually mostly I go there for coffee, but I had try their croissant. Thumbs up. Recommended by my friend actually. 

LP MTB Station
Tel : No.20, Lorong Teras Jaya 2, 
Kawasan Perindustrian Teras Jaya, 
13400 Butterworth, Malaysia 
Tel : 04-323 4522

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